A Story Suggestion for Henry Abbott

Why not look into whether the Portland Trailblazers medical staff is at all responsible for the career-ending injuries suffered by Greg Oden and Brandon Roy?

Greg’s imbalance was so distinct that I even advised that staff that if he didn’t improve the weaknesses in the short-term and continue some of the rehab-like exercises for the entire season, his career could be at risk.
And you can believe it or not, but the medical staff laughed off my recommendations.


3 thoughts on “A Story Suggestion for Henry Abbott

  1. I posted this at in the comments at Beckley Mason’s TrueHoop post today:

    I cancelled my Insider subscription today. When the service rep asked me why, I said, “Henry Abbott, Beckley Mason, and the decline of the NBA coverage.” I also sent Abbott a two-sentence email explaining my decision. Although the point is reasonable, the way this article is framed and headlined is a good example.

    Passive-aggressive and unable to own your biases is no way to analyze the NBA, son.

      • Since that time, I have received three emails from Abbott. The most recent one was a very lengthy harangue/scolding, and appears to be a form letter he sends Lakers fans. In any case, it serves as strong evidence in my mind that this thing is not just about page hits for Abbott–he really sees this as sort of a basketball crusade.

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